miércoles, 9 de julio de 2014

Sensual massage

When you get into a regular thing with a girl and you both enjoy sex, you will up to you to make sure things are still exciting in the bedroom. One of the best ways to do this is to introduce sensual massage techniques that will make her all hot and bothered.
The longer you can prolong the foreplay and sexual tension even before reaching the Nookie, the more you will be begging to be hit and he is likely to be able to reach orgasm as ... crazy!
Why sensual massage techniques WORK
Everywhere a woman (and a man's body) are the pressure points that once massaged relieve the tension on the muscles and relax the body completely.
Achieving a completely relaxed, be able to have multiple orgasms in a lot less time. You see most of the guys, it's just sex ... you stick it in and wiggle on culminating in a minute ... where's the fun in that?
Massage can be a big part of the preliminary and may be the most crucial to satisfy your girl in the bedroom part.

You do not have to massage the whole time, but this is something you want to try a couple of times with the same girl, just to mix things up a bit.
Ready to get in the raw material?
Great, let's do it.
1. Setting the mood (mood)
Never try to massage a girl without first putting in a good mood. It takes much more time to feel completely relaxed if the environment is not perfect.
Dim the lights - If you have a dimmer is great. If not, then buy a pair of table lamps and pass those on site.
Take a towel - Place a towel on the bed, if you do not get oil on the leaves (or juice lady).
Check ambient temperature - Make sure it is not too hot and not too cold, so it's comfortable naked.
Make beautiful smell in the room - Use some scented candles before it happens if the room smells good.
Listen to soothing music - Keep music low, but strong enough relaxing. Things like the sounds of nature are the cheese, then go for something like Ibiza Chillout Sessions.
Two. Get some quality oils
Oils are the most crucial part of any sensuous full body massage to choose from below. You should choose an oil that not only smells good, but is lubricated for long ... and is 100% natural so you do not irritate the skin.
OILS you can use:
Grapeseed oil - the best in my opinion, is ideal for massaging the girls and does not irritate the vagina when the technique of rubbing the finger lightly used.
Rose oil - Traditionally used for romance, this oil smells good.
Sandalwood oil - Known to help increase your libido, which is a plus.
There are tons of other oils on the market, but these are the ones I tested and work well for sensual massage. Feel free to try others though.
Three. Use these techniques sensual massage
You must ensure that you have a lot of oil on your hands and body before starting. Once there is enough oil, you should start by moving hands and circular inch shorter riders who become long and back to short circular motions again.
You need to feel knots in your body, these are the areas that need to be worked until the area is softer and less tense.
Back - Focus on the upper back, lower back, buttocks and legs during the first 15 minutes. Starting at the top of the shoulders and arms and move downward. Spend 2 or 3 minutes per area.
Welcome - Tell him slowly back with eyes closed and begin to massage the breasts, abdomen, arms and legs. If you wish, you can massage your feet too (some guys do not like). Take 2 to 3 minutes on each body part.
Region Bass - With its full body massages and relaxed, you can now massaging her vagina and around slowly. When you hear her moans of pleasure, then you can move the finger scrolling technique which will lead to a G-spot orgasm

When massaging your girl sitting on your ass. This will really turn and this is a reason to have sex with her.
Make sure your hands are warm. Use oil and rub your hands for a few minutes, not to shock when touched.
Lean on each ear occasionally and whisper things like "how do you feel?". This will tingle and tension.
Pressure test and ask what kind of pressure she loves. Soft or firm, everything you love, you should take things very slow.
I found the 100% organic oils are the best. Not only last longer, but they have a thicker consistency and not harm the skin in any way.
If you want to take it to another level, run a hot bath you can both sit after the massage, and then back to the room later.
So that's it man. 3 sensual massage techniques that I use to really become girls before intercourse. And will work almost always ensure that once orgasm. Focus sur le haut du two le bas du two les fesses et les premières jambes pendant les 15 minutes. In commençant par le haut des épaules et les bras et vers le bas is déplaçant. Passez 2 ou 3 minutes de chaque zone.
Réception - Demandez-lui avec les yeux retourner lentement commencer fermés et les seins à masser, le ventre, les bras et jambes them. If you souhaitez vous, vous pouvez masser ses pieds trop (certains n'aiment gars pas cela). Dépenser 2 à 3 sur des minutes Chacune parties du corps.
Région Basse - Avec are massé corps et complètement détendu, vous pouvez maintenant lui et les masser her vagin environnantes lentement zones. Lorsque vous de plaisir gémissements entendez ses, vous pouvez alors à passer la technique du doigt of course conduira ce qui à un orgasme G-spot.

Lorsque masser votre fille, assis sur ses fesses. Ce are tour will vraiment sur ​​une raison et c'est avec elle sexuelles of it.
Assurez-vous vos mains sont chaudes that. Utilisez huile et l'ensemble frottez vos mains pour un couple of minutes the akin of ne pas quand vous choquer the touchez.
Lean dans chaque oreille et de temps en temps des choses comme chuchoter "comment you sens-tu?". Cela lui faire et sa picotement stress.
Testez pression et lui demander la ce genre de pression qu'elle aime. Souple ferme ou tout ce qu'elle aime, vous vraiment devez prend les choses lent.
J'ai trouvé d'huiles that 100% organiques sont les meilleurs. Non seulement ils ont-durer longtemps plus, mais ils ont une plus consistance épaisse et ils n'ont pas à la peau nuire aucune façon on.
If voulez vous prendre à un autre niveau Amene, couler one bain chaud que vous pouvez à la fois s'asseoir après massage him, puis après revenir à la chambre.

Alors, c'est ça mec. 3 with sensual massage techniques that j'utilise vraiment pour tourner les filles avant rapports sur sexuels. À chaque fois et fonctionne be à peu près qu'ils Deposit plus d'une fois orgasme.

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